Published: 01 November 2011
In Buddhist History there were several important events took place on the Ill Full Moon Day.
The first group of Missionaries 60 Arahat monks dispersed on an ill Full Moon Day. This group consisted of the 5 disciples, Yasa Kula Putra and 54 friends
The Buddha performed a miracle and converted Jatila monks followers of another religion, in the Uruwela clan – Uruwela Kassapa, Nadie Kassapa and Gaya Kassapa lived in monasteries in Neranjala village. The three Jatila monks had around 1,000 followers. The Buddha preached Aditya Paryaya Sutra and all who gathered there attained Arahanthood, on an ill Fool Moon Day.
On the ill full moon day Bodhisattva Maitreya obtain Vivarana by the Buddha that “he would be the future Maithri Buddha”.
Arahant Sari Putra passed away on an ill full moon day. Before his demise he fulfilled his wish to convert his mother to Buddhisum by preaching Buddha Dhamma.