- Written by Bhante Kusala
The Buddhist Community Centre Letchworth (BCCL) held the 2018 Katina Ceremony on Saturday 27th October 2018 at the Free Church Hall, Norton Way, Letchworth Garden City. This year the Katina Poojava (Katina offering) was sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Amarassoriya and family, Mr. & Mrs. Weerasekara and family, Mr. & Mrs. P. Perera and family, Mr. & Mrs. Mallawaarachchi and family, , Mr. & Mrs. De Silva and family, , Mr. & Mrs. Gunathilaka and family, Mr. Priyantha Bandara, Mr. & Mrs. Dharmasena and family, Mr. & Mrs. Gamage and family, Mr. & Mrs. Welengoda and family. Mr. & Mrs. Karavita and family, Mr. & Mrs. Fernando and family, Mr. & Mrs. Kodagoda and family and their friends.