Published: 30 November -0001
The Buddhist Community Centre Letchworth (BCCL) held the 2016 Katina Ceremony on 15th October, 2016 at the Free Church Hall, Norton Way, Letchworth Garden City. This year the Katina Poojava (Katina offering) was sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Ravi Perera & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Neelaka & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Akurugoda & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Dassanayake & Family, Dr. & Mrs. Waidyaratne & Family and Mrs. Chandra & her family and all their friends.
The ceremonial activity commenced at 7.00a.m. by bringing the Katina Material to the temple, conducting the morning Pooja and offering the morning alms (Heeldhane) to venerable monks. Thereafter, several devotees participated in stitching the Katina robe at The Free Church Hall. All the devotees and Rev. Monks joined the Katina Perehera lead by the traditional Sri Lankan Kandian Drummers.
The welcome speech and the Five Precepts were administered by Most Ven. Dediyawala Wimala Maha Thero, Chief Incumbent of Letchworth Vihara followed by the mid-day Buddha Poojawa conducted by Ven. Madugalle Mahanama Thera. Thereafter, the mid-day alms (Dhane) was offered to Maha Sangha. The Punniyanumodhanawa (invoking merits) was delivered by Most Ven. Keppitiyagoda Gunawansa Nayaka Thera. from Birmingham Jethavana Buddhist Temple.
Ven. Akurala Samitha Thera. From Letchworth Dhamma Nikethanaya Temple delivered a Dhamma talk in English, specially to young children explaining how the inception of Katina ceremony occurred during Buddha’s time and how it continued up to present day. The Maha Sangha participated in chanting the offering of the Katina Cheewara (Katina robe) stanzas and offered the Cheewaea (Robe) to chosen by Ven. Monks, Ven. Sooriyawewa Kusala Thero. Many devotees offered Ata Pirikara and Cheewara to maha sangha.
There was a special prize giving to children who attended the Dhaham Classes regularly and excelled well in their classes. The Vice President of BCCL Dr. Yassasiri Rajapakse delivered a speech to thank all those who supported the event.
The Ven. Monks attended the ceremony were Vew Dediyawala Wimala Thera, Ven Tawalama Bandula Thera, Ven Keppetiyagoda Gunawansa Thera, Ven Akurala Samitha Thera, Ven Madugalle Mahanama Thera, Ven Konwewe Ariyaratha Thera, Ven Beragama Piyarathana Thera, Ven Mapalagama Soratha Thera, Ven Tissapura Sugatharathana Thera, Ven Waduraba Kassapa Thera, Ven Matugama Palitha Thera, Ven Sooriyawewa Kusala Thera, Ven Dodangoda Sumedha Thera, Ven Panamure Rahula Thera, Ven Kotte Visuddhi Thera, Ven Galayaye Dhammaransi Thera
During the Vass period, The Letchworth Temple carried out several meritorious events. Every Saturday, an evening Special Buddha Pooja was carried with the leadership of Ven. Dediyawala Wimala Thero followed by a Dhamma Sermon and chanting of Pirith by Ven. Sooriyawewa Kusala Thero and Ven. Panamure Rahula Thero. They were sponsored by various devotees.
For the third year running the colouring of the Katina Cheewara (Katina Robe) was carried out with the leadership of Ven. Sooriyawewa Kusala Thero on Saturday, 8th October. Specially, the devotees of the Letchworth Temple were blessed to have three Rev. Monks observing the Vass Season.
The event was well attended by the devotees and friends of the temple. The Maha Snagha of the temple, the committee members of BCCL and the organisers of the Katina wish to extend their appreciation to all those who attended and extending their support for making this event a great success.